Ethiopian Foods!!

If you ask someone in Addis Abeba, what is your favorite food?
I´m pretty sure that he or she will answer Injera.
Instead of using utensils, Ethiopians use a sponge like sourdough flat bread called injera, to scoop up their food with their hands.

(At restaurant)
Injera is made from teff flour and is cooked on a griddle to the consistency of a thin flatbread.
It is a bit like a crepe but is not egg-based and is more like a thin pancake.
The main ingredient, teff, is an ancient grass originally cultivated in Ethiopia and believed to be the smallest grain in the world.
Although tiny, it's packed with nutrients.
It's rich in calcium, iron, copper aluminum, barium, thiamin.
(A women are making Injera in house)
However it is difficult to describe the taste of Injera.
In a way it is tasteless but at the same time it´s taste a bit bitter and sore.
Usually you serve Injera with different soß , also called “wot” in Ethiopia.
Likewise you can also enjoy
Injera with different types of meat and different vegetables.
Still you have to be very careful where you eat this traditional food, because it can happened that you are not used to it and you will get sick.
Unfortunately I ensured this experience.